Once the first step towards healthier agriculture has shown initial results we are motivated to continue the path of improvement and search for more practical solutions or ideas. The AgroCircular Solutions Network is a Dutch-Colombian initiative that is designed for growers to get access to solutions, products and innovation that guide them towards healthier and more “circular” agriculture.
Our social circle in Agriculture consists of the entire supply-chain starting with farmers, agronomists, advisors, investigators, specialists, exporters, companies, institutions, fruit importers and retail from the Netherlands, Colombia, Peru and other countries. Together we share our knowledge and experience to accelerate the improvement in agriculture in a focused and practical way.

The Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) is the core model of IrriWatch. The measurements of leaf temperature, solar radiation, crop leaf size and photosynthesis are all based on earth observation satellites. Satellites measure the crop routinely every day and for all fields and countries in an identical manner. The raw satellite data is made available by the space agencies. Using SEBAL, the actual evapotranspiration (ET), soil moisture and carbon flux (C) is processed from this raw data. Crops with an increased leaf temperatures have insufficient access to water, or are limited by something else.
The rate of transpiration is similar to sap-flow which reflects the uptake of water by roots. Hence, we can determine essential root zone processes and determine fundamental underground physical processes that are not visible from above. A background lecture on the crop and soil physics can be found on the IrriWatch YouTube channel.
The core model in 5 bullets:
- Satellites measure leaf temperature, solar radiation, crop leaf size and photosynthesis
- Leaf temperature at a certain vegetation cover and radiation level reflects the actual sap-flow through the crop.
- The sap-flow responds to leaf water and soil water potential. So we can look into the soil and determine physical processes of the root zone
- The critical soil moisture expresses the threshold value for reduced sap-flow and diminished crop production.
- Information on fluctuations of soil moisture in relation to critical soil moisture is a sound basis for decisions on irrigation actions.

SarVision integrates data from multiple satellite constellations with other sensors, using cutting-edge algorithms and environmental economic accounting models. We distinguish us from other Remote Sensing companies by our large expertise in advanced radar technology that has made us a world leader in low cost large scale operational near real time monitoring systems in areas with frequent cloud cover. Radar images are used by many, but our state-of-the-art algorithms are unparalleled. To get a first impression of our monitoring products see the following video.
SarVision developed the SarCarbon system for accurate large scale biomass and carbon mapping. Multi sensor baseline maps, including GEDI lidar data are combined with SarSentry’s forest change maps to assess near real time biomass and carbon changes in forest areas. This new approach includes the significant contribution of forest degradation as part of the biomass. The SarCarbon system not only improves the accuracy of existing satellite based methods, it also allows to monitor carbon changes over time.

Nova Crop Control
NovaCropControl is aiming to provide insight in the plant‘s nutrient uptake, with a fast and accurate service based on low cost. To reach that goal, NovaCropControl uses plant sap analyses and, if necessary in combination with (ISO-17025) accredited drip, drain and substrate water analyses. Besides that, NovaCropControl wants to transfer knowledge and draw attention to the importance of healthy food.
A plant sap analysis provides insight in the actual uptake of nutrients by the plant. This reveals important information about the plant‘s health status. An optimal and balanced uptake of nutrients has a positive effect on the plant‘s natural disease resistance and on the quality, firmness and shelf life of fruits. The activities of NovaCropControl exist out of 3 different sections; performing plant sap- and water analyses in the laboratory, offering independent consultancy and performing independent research on plant resilience.

Our vision is to revolutionize agriculture by becoming the leading global provider of real-time, in-field soil monitoring solutions that drive sustainable, profitable, and resilient farming practices.
We are aiming for a sustainable planet where the soil is alive and the nutrients are healthy. We believe that a transformation to regenerative agriculture holds the key for a sustainable planet and we are determined to facilitate the process.
SoilBeat provides:
A Quality Overview: Visualise the impact of your practices on soil health, yields, and profitability over time. Make confident
decisions based on your farm’s unique data.
Minimised Risk: Analyse trends, get timely alerts, and optimize input strategies without sacrificing yields.
Streamlined Operations: Easily assign tasks, track technician progress, and optimize field activities.
An Ease of Comparing Plots: Gain insights across trials, plots, and fields to evaluate performance and identify winning strategies.
A Data-Driven Partnership: Collaborate effectively with your agronomist for a data-powered team approach to problem-solving.
Time & Compliance: Centralise reporting, reduce double entries, and spend more time where it matters – in the field.

Vital Fluid
By copying lightning VitalFluid has developed a nature-based solution to supply natural nitrogen as a sustainable liquid fertilizer for plants and crops. Produced on-farm, it uses only water and ambient air as inputs. The Freya Natural Nitrogen device can easily be installed and connected into greenhouse drip irrigation systems. Including a service and maintenance package VitalFluid will monitor and optimize the system. VitalFluid Natural Nitrogen is the most sustainable nitrogen source available in horticulture.
The on-farm production of the natural nitrogen fertilizer has the advantage that growers are less dependent on external inputs. In case renewable energy is available locally, even the production of VitalFluid Natural Nitrogen is carbon neutral.
AgroCircular – A network of Dutch and international experts and companies offering their knowledge and relevant technology in tropical agriculture. An initiative of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Colombia to support producers and advisors interested in circular, sustainable and regenerative agriculture.